
  • Dr. Fakhra Aziz Assistant Professor Department of Education Lahore college for women university Jail road Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Dr Mahar Muhammad Saeed Akhtar Professor Department of Education IER University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.


Competencies, Pedagogical competencies, Assessment & Management competencies, Research competencies, Professional development


The present survey study aimed to diagnose the impact of training on teachers competencies. The study was of descriptive nature. The Competencies of teachers having no training and trained teachers were compared. Teachers Competencies Measurement Scale (TCMS) was used to compare competencies of both cohorts. To measure the impact of FPDP (a training program) on teacher competencies three categories of competencies: pedagogical, assessment & management and   research competencies were made. After applying descriptive statistics, t -test was used to find out the difference. Trained teachers showed a significant difference in pedagogical competencies, management and assessment competencies and research competencies. It depicts that in all the categories trained teachers were more competent than teachers having no training were The present study suggests that training program of this type should be continue to enhance the teachers competencies.


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How to Cite

Dr. Fakhra Aziz, & Dr Mahar Muhammad Saeed Akhtar. (2021). IMPACT OF TRAINING ON TEACHERS COMPETENCIES AT HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL IN PAKISTAN. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 5(1), 121–128. Retrieved from


