
  • Thelma L. Ramirez Rizal Technological University, Philippines.
  • Leonardo T. Cruz Rizal Technological University, Philippines.
  • Nida V. Alcantara Rizal Technological University, Philippines.


Graduate Tracer Study (GTS), skills, competencies, graduates, employability


This paper aimed to determine if the field of specialization in the different colleges of RTU graduates and their academic-acquired skills and competencies are related to their present occupations.  A modified Graduate Tracer Study (GTS) instrument was utilized to gather the quantitative data. Out of 500 questionnaires administered, there were 250 graduates returned answered questionnaires representing the three Colleges: Education, Arts and Sciences, Business and Entrepreneurial Technology. A face to face  interview was also conducted  in order to support the gathered data. The  SPSS  was used to generate results from the acquired quantitative data using the frequency counts, percentage and the Chi-square goodness of fit test. The findings revealed that the graduates claimed that their knowledge, academic-acquired skills and competencies contributed greatly in their job performance. The Chi-square goodness of fit proved that there is a significant relationship between the graduates’ fields of specialization and their occupations after graduation.  Likewise, the academic-acquired skills and competencies of the graduates are relevant to their chosen occupations. The results further proved that RTU produces marketable and appropriately trained graduates with the majority landing in course-related jobs within a short period after graduation. The study also indicates that the RTU graduates possess the skills and competencies necessary to succeed in this competitive world. However eexpansion of tie-ups with private business entities is made to at least maintain the high employability level of the graduates.


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How to Cite

Thelma L. Ramirez, Leonardo T. Cruz, & Nida V. Alcantara. (2021). TRACER STUDY OF RTU GRADUATES: AN ANALYSIS. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 5(1), 66–76. Retrieved from


