properties, jatropha seed, oil pressing, mathematics formulaAbstract
This article is concentrated on the physical, mechanical, thermal and chemical properties of Jatrophacurcas seeds base on review literatures. Because of them those properties that involve a reaction to an applied load to extract oil and also are used to help classify and identify them. Therefore, an understanding of them is important factors for a particular designs a machine. Being able to predict the energy demand for rupture them to extract oil because the cost of extraction oilseeds and processing oil into biofuel must be more little than the value of oilseeds, after it was extracted from seeds or the value of biofuel is higher than oilseeds so that the economic returns. The aims of this review are to detail the characteristic of physical, mechanical, thermal and chemical properties Jatrophacurcas seeds so that logically organize the knowledge around the function of Mathematics to describe it.
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