Attitude towards Money, Money related BehaviourAbstract
In today’s materialistic environment, role of money is not limited to being a medium of exchange but has become means and end for our happiness and well being. Money is same universally but it’s the individual’s attitude towards it that makes the difference. One develops an attitude towards money on the basis of one’s experiences and situations that one encounters over lifetime. The concept of money attitude is multidimensional and it has been studied in various socio-economic and cultural settings. There were many developments in money attitude area and various tools have been developed to measure money attitude and money related behavior. Thus the understanding of money attitude, factors determining attitude of an individual towards money and measurement of money attitude is not just important for academicians but also for psychologists, marketers, policy makers, sociologists and anthropologists. It is also of too much importance for administrators and management scholars to understand all the aspects of money systematically. This article summarizes various developments that have been made in this area and encapsulates the contribution of various researchers in this field. Further it brings in the scope of study of attitude towards money in developing countries like India.
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