Al Mahmud’s SonaliKabin: A Sketch of Bangladeshi Rural Landscape
Sonali(golden) Kabin(muslim marriage contract), Bengali LiteratureAbstract
This paper intends to focus the pictures of Bangladeshi villages drawn in Al Mahmud’s SonaliKabin, a celebrated tome of poems published in 1973. SonaliKabin, the magnum opus of Al Mahmud, has conceived the rural landscape and the culture of the village people. It has introduced Al Mahmud as a rural poet who has made a contrastive analysis between the city and the village by his poetic brush. At the same time he upholds the pristine simplicity of village people. The material urban life always haunts him and he craves for going back to his beloved hamlet but the harsh reality grips his feet. Being entangled in suffocating city, he visualizes the images of his beloved village and portrays the rural landscape in the big canvas of poetry. This poetic portrayal of idyllic rural landscape in SonaliKabin is the spotlight of this paper.