
  • Hafidh Maksum Lecturer in the Faculty of Education, Serambi Mekkah of University, Indonesia
  • Faisal Anwar Lecturer in the Faculty of Education, Serambi Mekkah of University, Indonesia


Project Citizen, Skill of Civic Education and Nationalisme


One of the learning models to improve the skills of Civic Education in developing students' nationalistic attitudes is Model Citizen Project, which is a portfolio-based learning model. Through this model, students are not only encouraged to understand the concepts and principles of science, but also develop the ability to work cooperatively through learning activities and empirical practices. Thus, the learning will be more challenging, active and meaningful. This study aims to determine the difference between pre-test and post-test results of students adopting the Model Citizen Project in learning process with students who learn conventionally to improve the ability of civic education in developing nationalistic attitudes. The research is based on the theory that the instructional strategies used in this model, basically depart from the strategies of "inquiriy, discovery, problem solving, research-oriented," which are packed in John Dewey’s style model "project." In this case, it was determined the following steps: identifying the problem, choosing issues to be studied by the class, gathering information, developing class portfolio, presenting a portfolio, and reflecting the learning experience. This study uses a quantitative approach. The method used is a quasi experimental design with "nonequivalent control group pre-test and post-test design." In this design, the two groups are not chosen at random. Data was collected using the test questionnaire in pre-test and post-test. The analysis indicates a significant rise in intellectual abilities, an increase in the medium category of citizenship skill, and participatory skills situate between the experimental class and the control class. Analysis of the data shows that students respond positively to learning Civic Education using the Model Citizen Project. From the results above, this study recommends to teachers to practice the teaching Civic Education using the Model Citizen Project because it has been proven favored by students and can improve the skills of citizenship.


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How to Cite

Hafidh Maksum, & Faisal Anwar. (2021). THE MODEL CITIZEN PROJECT TO IMPROVE THE CIVIC EDUCATION SKILL IN DEVELOPING NATIONALISTIC ATTITUDES. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 7(4(1), 173–176. Retrieved from


