
  • Magdalena Ngongo Artha Wacana Christian University, Timor- Kupang, Indonesia


Grammatical metaphor, interpersonal metaphor, ideational metaphor, text, Waijewa


This paper is aimed to describe grammatical metaphor in text of Waijewa language. It is based on Halliday’s theoretical framework of functional grammar that stated metaphor as a variation in the use of words and it is a variation in the expression of meaning. Metaphorical variation discussed in this paper relates to metaphor in lexicogrammatical variation called grammatical metaphor that includes ideational and interpersonal metaphor. Corpus of data are collected from four oral texts of proposing a girl called Kette Katonga Weri Kawendo happened in Wewewa society. Data collected through observation by recording are analyzed using descriptive qualitative method. The results showed that ideational metaphor was realized by transitivity system using process and nominalization, while interpersonal metaphor were realized in mood and modality. The use of affirmative type were more occured than others since speakers usually repeated their experience stated before either directly or indirectly. Relating to the use of modality types, the use of modalization and modulation in text were influenced by status and power of speakers. This fact showed that the use of modulation was used by bridge’s parents and mediators, whereas modalization was used by groom’s parents and mediators. This result of study could give contribution to language teachers or lecturers to be considered in teaching language especially in teaching meaning including metaphorical meaning of language comparison among local languages, national or international languages such as English.


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How to Cite

Magdalena Ngongo. (2021). SYSTEMIC ANALYSIS OF GRAMMATICAL METAPHOR IN TEXT OF WAIJEWA LANGUAGE. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 7(4), 133–140. Retrieved from


