
  • Muhammad Syukri Salleh Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV), Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Musmuliadi bin Kamaruding Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV), Universiti Sains Malaysia


Islamic crowd management, Hajj crowd management, Pilgrimage


This paper attempts to deal with three specific aims. Firstly, to inquire into the concept of Islamic crowd management; secondly, to delve into the contemporary hajj crowd management; and thirdly, to analyze the contemporary hajj crowd management vis-à-vis the concept of Islamic crowd management. These aims are based on the premise that hajj is an Islamic affair and the management of hajj – one aspect of which is the hajj crowd management – logically has inevitably to be Islamic. This premise entails with a significant question. In actuality, how far this premise is prevailing in contemporary hajj crowd management? This question necessitates an investigation into the concept of the Islamic crowd management, the form of the existing hajj crowd management, and the compliance or contradiction of the existing hajj crowd management with the actual concept of the Islamic crowd management. In this paper, the investigation is based on secondary data resulted from library research, while the analysis is undertaken through a textual analysis. The findings exhibit natures of an Islamic concept of crowd management, inadequacy of the existing hajj crowd management vis-à-vis the Islamic concept of crowd management, and the need to base the hajj crowd management on Islamic tasawwur (worldview) itself.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Syukri Salleh, & Musmuliadi bin Kamaruding. (2021). CONTEMPORARY HAJ CROWD MANAGEMENT – AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 7(4), 80–87. Retrieved from


