
  • Mehmet Sinan Ergüven Assistant Professor, Advertising &Public Relations, Communication Sciences Faculty Anadolu University, Turkey


Advertising, Creativity, Consumer, Divergence, Relevance


Undoubtedly the ultimate goal of an advertisement is to increase sales of the brand. This mission of the advertisement also brings with a strict accountability in today’s world. While advertising agencies are trying to accomplish the advertisers’ expectations, they are inclined to avoid from risks and they give less importance to the creativity of the advertisements. On the other hand creativity of an advertisement has positive effects on the consumers. In this respect it is important to understand the definitions and evaluations of Turkish consumers on creative advertising. A group of university students defined advertising creativity and evaluated award-winning advertisements. Findings showed that the scores given to the award-winning advertisements by consumers and advertising professionals are similar in print category but it is contradictory in the television category. On the other hand the definitions on the creative advertising according to the consumers and advertising professionals are widely different.


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How to Cite

Mehmet Sinan Ergüven. (2021). CREATIVITY IN ADVERTISING: EXPECTATIONS, DEFINITIONS AND EVALUATIONS OF THE CONSUMERS. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 7(4), 35–44. Retrieved from


