
  • Imee C. Acosta Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar Technological University of the Philippines. Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines.
  • Alexander S. Acosta Philippine School Doha, Al Messila, Doha, Qatar Technological University of the Philippines. Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines


K-12 curriculum, Readiness, Senior High School, Basic Education, Education Reform


A major education reform is currently happening in the Philippine Education System as a resulting development of the Philippine Education for All (EFA) 2015 initiative. One of the critical production tasks created is the adoption of a 12-year program of formal basic education by adding two more years to the existing 10-year basic education schooling in order to synchronize the country’s educational system with the rest of the world through the Enhanced Basic Education Program or K-12. With the participation of a select group of faculty members from the higher education institutions in the Philippines, this qualitative research utilized phenomenology as its research inquiry that is designed to determine readiness of college faculty members to the implementation of the K-12 program by obtaining results from a semi-structured interview. The shared experiences of the respondents afforded to ardently classify four essential themes pertaining to preparation plan process, namely: hindsight preparation, insight preparation, foresight preparation, and mindsight preparation. Findings from this study provide implications for practice to ensure a smooth transition and successful implementation of the country’s biggest education reform agenda.


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How to Cite

Imee C. Acosta, & Alexander S. Acosta. (2021). SEEING THROUGH A MAGNIFYING LENS: A QUALITATIVE INQUIRY OF K-12 READINESS OF FACULTY MEMBERS FROM HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN THE PHILIPPINES. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 7(4), 01–12. Retrieved from


