
  • Musriadi Lecturer, Teacher Training Faculty and Educational Science, Biology Education course Serambi Mekah University, Indonesia.
  • Rubiah Lecturer, Teacher Training Faculty and Educational Science Biology Education course Serambi Mekah University, Indonesia.
  • Jailani Lecturer, Teacher Training Faculty and Educational Science, Biology Education course Serambi Mekah University, Indonesia.


The development of module, problem based learning, the output of learning


A competence to develop the teaching materials especially for module that needs to be owned by teachers, considering that the teaching materials make the learning process more effectively and efficiently. In addition, the teaching materials also have an important role for the teachers and students. In the learning process that is conducted on individual, group as well as classical. This research aims to produce a module concept of fungi that can increase the student learning results. The research procedure consists of: the first step of situation analysis (define), planning step (design), developing step (develop), validation module step, the experiment of product, revision and final result of product. The product development is a module for students and teachers.

The data analysis that is found from the model concept of jamur from the students and the teacher module, the result of validation by educational experts demonstrate the value 80,45%  module for teacher and student modules for 84,07%, which includes the criteria it deserves, The validation result indicate the percentage of 72,92%, which includes the criteria it deserves. The summary of the validation result of the module, quantitative data are also obtained from the results of a test conducted on a small scale at 17 students grade 1 SMA Negeri Banda Aceh showed that the developed modules are used with decent percentage of 85,61%. The conclusion that the product is fit for use and can improve student learning outcomes.


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How to Cite

Musriadi, Rubiah, & Jailani. (2021). THE DEVELOPMENT OF FUNGI CONCEPT MODUL USING BASED PROBLEM LEARNING AS A GUIDE FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 7(3), 34–40. Retrieved from


