The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Integrating ICT in the South African Education System
Fourth Industrial Revolution, Rethink, Social Realities, Development, EducationAbstract
Purpose: The study look at the Fourth Industrial Revolution with the integration of ICT in the South African education system. The prospects and the latent benefits of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in advancing the significance of education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) have been highlighted in several studies and reports. ICT has become the foremost tool for building knowledge societies and it could provide a way to rethink and redesign the educational systems, thus leading to quality education for all. Motivation: As new ttechnologies are rapidly changing the world’s economies, from cultural to social realities, the question remains how prepared is the South African education system is in positioning the current generation for the 4IR. This paper explored the role of ICT Integration for the South African education system. Methodology: Anchored on the qualitative research approach, this paper collected data through secondary sources, that is based on a systematic analysis of the literature of the baseline data collected of a constellation randomized controlled sample. Findings: Findings show that the sub-Saharan region has an overall share of high-skilled engagement as a result of the imminent disruption to employment and skills brought by the 4IR. Recommendation: There is a need to invest in ICT in the South African education system to equip the learners with the required skills and knowledge required to compete in the 4IR. Originality: No study has been conducted in this area of study that recommend the need to invest in ICT at primary education level.
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