
  • Mr. Yuvaraj Vyas Assistant Professor, S. V. Institute of Management, SV Campus, Kadi, Mehsana, Gujarat, India.
  • Dr. Arvind C. Brahmbhatt Former Professor, Nirma Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.


Brand Awareness, Brand Elements, Recognition and Recall


The main aim of the study was to investigate impact of logo on recognition and brand recall. Six popular FMCG brands were selected for the study. Males and females aged 15-60 were surveyed. Two things were measured. Recognition scores of respective logos were recorded. It was also recorded whether a logo is reinforcing product category recall and brand recall or not. Both unaided and aided product and brand recall were studied. The main objectives of the study were; to study recognition and brand recall through logos of popular FMCG brands marketed in India, to identify recognition and recall rate of the selected brands and to study difference between product recall and brand recall.


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How to Cite

Mr. Yuvaraj Vyas, & Dr. Arvind C. Brahmbhatt. (2021). A STUDY ON RECOGNITION AND BRAND RECALL THROUGH LOGOS OF SELECTED FMCG BRANDS. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 7(2(1), 66–71. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/rworld/article/view/461


