social responsibility, consumers’ rights’, competitive advantage, productive companiesAbstract
This study aimed to search the commitment limit of the productive companies (operating in the west of Algeria), towards social responsibility, and what reflects on the consumer on one hand, and on these companies on the other hand protection. We deepen the research in this area by answering the following question: Can commitment towards social responsibility (which is often seen as a new burden to the rest of the companies’ obligations) create advantage and value by protecting the rights of consumers in productive companies? In order to achieve the goals of this study (70) questionnaire-lists were distributed among sample of companies’ managers, also (120) questionnaire-lists were distributed among sample of consumers in addition to the local community views. Results of the study showed that the degree of commitment towards social responsibility and to the protection of consumers rights’ were slightly higher than the hypothesis mean. The study affords some of recommendations among them the necessity of going forward to practicing the philosophy of social responsibility by centering on continuing and determining the stakeholders’ needs in general and the consumers’ needs in particular, which constitutescompetitive advantage for thesecompanies.
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Guidance on social responsibility, Available : (juin 8, 2013)