Banking Service Quality dimensions, Customer SatisfactionAbstract
This study aims to test the effects of Banking Service Quality (BSQ) dimensions, namely Effectiveness and Assurance, Access, Price, Tangible, Service Portfolio, and Reliability, on customer satisfaction. The study is a confirmatory research using primary data. The study population is the customers of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) (ltd.) branch of Jember, which includes the loan and the deposit customers. Convenience sampling technique is applied along with 105 customers as the samples. Multiple regression analysis with latent variables is used as the data analysis model. The result shows that four out of six Banking Service Quality dimensions consisting of: Effectiveness and Assurance, Access, Price, and Tangible give significant effects on customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, the other two, namely Service Portfolio, and Reliability do not show the same result. Next research should further expand the area of research is in East Java or even Indonesia in order to generalize the wider results of research.
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