
  • Badriyah Chemical Engineering Department, WR Supratman University, Indonesia
  • Purwanto Economic Department, WR Supratman University, Indonesia


Pomelo Juice (Citrus var nambangan), Ochratoxin, MDA level of Hepatic cell


This research is intended on understanding the potency of Pomelo juice (Citrus var nambangan), vitamin C, lycopene, and the combination of vitamin C and lycopene as the antioxidant toward the hepatic tissue of MDA level on mouse (Mus musculus) as consequence of Ochratoxin A (OTA). The 35 male mice (Mus musculus) aged between two until three months had strain balb/c, they are randomly divided into seven group of treatments (n=5), which are K0, K1, K2, P1, P2, P3, and P4, each of this controlled groups is only given the adjuvant Olive Oil (K0), adjuvant CMCNa (K1), ochratoxin A (K2), given the Pomelo juice with dosage of 0,5 ml/30 gram of Weight/day (P1), vitamin C with dosage of 5,85 mg (P2), lycopene dosage as of 0,1025 mg (P3), and the combination of vitamin C dosage as of 5,85 mg of mouse weight with the lycopene as of 0,1025 mg/30g of weight (P4). In group of K0, K1, K2, the treatment ingredients are given for a week which is in the third week, meanwhile for the group of P1, P2, P3, and P4 the antioxidant compound are given for two weeks starting from the second week, which is in the beginning of the third week is given the ochratoxin A with dosage of 1 mg/kg of Weight/day for a week. At the day of 21 all the experimental animals are scarified for the data collecting. The result of statistic analytical within Kruskal Wallis test that continued with Mann-Whitney test indicate that there is a real different between treatments (p<0, 05). It is proven that on all groups which are given the antioxidant (P1, P2, P3, and P4) significantly (p<0, 05) is able to prevent the hepatic damage after ochratoxin A exposure, which is indicated from the decreasing of MDA level. The given of Pomelo juice (Citrus var nambangan), vitamin C and lycopene is proven to decreasing the level of mouse Malondyaldehid (MDA) tissue which is exposed by ochratoxin A. This research is also proven that the potency of Pomelo juice (Citrus var nambangan) is proven to have the same with vitamin C (p>0, 05), lycopene, as well as the combination of vitamin C and lycopene in preventing the free radicals reactivity as the consequence of OTA exposure on mouse’ hepatic.


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How to Cite

Badriyah, & Purwanto. (2021). THE INFLUENCE OF POMELO JUICE (CITRUS MAXIMA VAR NAMBANGAN), VITAMIN C AND LYCOPENE TOWARD MDA LEVEL OF MOUSE (MUS MUSCULUS) HEPATIC TISSUE WHICH EXPOSURE BY OCHRATOXINA. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 7(1(1), 74–81. Retrieved from


