socio-economic effects, creative industry based on tourismAbstract
Kasongan Creative Industries Marketing (KCIM) has a potential attraction for domestic and international tourists. This writing is based on an exploration study using a questioning method to obtain information from respondents relating to the multiple effects of its existence.
The respondents’ replies that KCIM has a positive impact on job, business opportunities and the improvement of the local income (economic income). The social aspect (social impact) is the ability to change the consumptive pattern and social behaviour of the traditional culture of Yogyakarta into individualistic and consumptive foreign culture. KCIM supports tourism to find what they need. The business opportunity based on the tourist’ satisfaction that makes KCIM indicator to measure quality aspects, like number of visitors, length of stay and the tourusts’ expenditure.
The results of the research shows that local community’s expectation towards their quality of life improvement as the impact of KCIM is very high. They consider that KCIM can improve their local economic growth and it will not give negative impacts toward the quality of social aspects. Therefore, the building of KCIM based on tourism is one of the effort to improve the role of local community to build their life, and enlarging the the local the local industry and support the social and economic preservation. The approach used in development which based on attraction is market driven.
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