
  • Budi Hermawan Lecturer, Tourism Institute of AMPTA Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Ali Hasan Lecturer, Tourism Institute of AMPTA Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The OVOD Model, economic of tourism, improved of welfare and opportunity of work, mixed analyse


One Village One Destination model research intended to increase prosperity and educate the society in the field of food resilience program that is designed to push the progress and prosperity of village tourism society by goods extension, service and trying to combine the internal element of socio-dynamic can be impact in developing research in meaning strategic for repairing of social-economic society.

The result of this research is growing the commitment of village tourism society for the developing of its village tourism become the productive village tourism creating product which is giving multiplier effect for make-up the opportunity of work and opportunity of the work, labor sector as an indicator creative economic expansion based on the ability in pushing productive of village tourism existence which is capable to be the embryo center of the production of  the regional area growth of Bantul regency in quickening accomplishment the society life elementary rights.


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How to Cite

Budi Hermawan, & Ali Hasan. (2021). ONE VILLAGE ONE DESTINATION MODEL IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF BANTUL TOURISM VILLAGE. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 8(4), 211–225. Retrieved from


