culture, structure, political behavior, societyAbstract
The purpose of this study is to see the relation between culture and structure on the political society behavior during the elections conducted at Kediri district. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The data was collected using purposive sampling technique by participatory observation and in-depth interviews which were conducted with village heads, society leaders, religious leaders, local academics, religious students, students, administrators society organizations, youth leaders, and ordinary citizens, namely 10 village heads. Based on the data analysis, it was concluded that: 1) each dimension of society culture influences the behavior of different political scenarios. However, the entire dimension of society culture at Kediri has been able to improve the quality of democracy. It happened because of the culture that was developed in Kediri society is more toward rational, modern and humanist; 2) the structure of society influences political behavior of society. The higher the structure is played, more cautious in political behavior should be. This is because, in addition to being the public highlight, it will also affect the meaning of democracy itself. The entire structure of society in politics is basically rational so that it can improve the quality of democracy in Kediri. The researcher only interviewed 10 village heads out of 14 because these 10 village tend to have society conflicts. However, the findings of this research can be also implemented to other village which have the same conflict with them. So it can be concluded that the political behavior can also be implemented to other village who has the same conflict with the 10 villages studied in this research.
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