
  • Suleyman CELIK Dean of Faculty of Education Ishik University, Arbil/ Iraq


Education, Hizmet Movement, hope, peace, school


Facts are stubborn things since they always remain in their original shape the very moment they start breathing. The same goes true for the fact that a major portion of the human population has been experiencing a never-ending circle of terrible problems, both on an individual level as well as societal. This is certainly not a false calculation because there have been many concrete evidences of lifelong severe poverty cases around the globe and its associated evils which include but not limited to illiteracy, health hazards, social exclusion, and low life expectancy. The true rescue is likely to come through education which remains a potent instrument to raise all humans to a desired level of humanity. A true education makes a society realize that true humanity and civilization is much beyond just self-centered careerism where a person only looksfor their advantage nothing else. In this context,Hizmet Movement Schools should be given full attentionin a bid to educate children and young adults regarding the true meaning of humanity and universality. The Movement schools are contributing their great share by operating 1400 schools in more than 170 countries in particular the United States of America. The real motivation behind these schools isFethullahGülen, a Turkish activist and Muslim scholar who has been a strong supporter of intercultural dialogue amongst people. These schools strongly oppose violence by following a series of democratic and spiritual values wherein teaching is regarded nothing less than an endless service (Hizmet) to students, and mankind in general.


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How to Cite

Suleyman CELIK. (2021). BRINGING UP PEACE ADVOCATORS THROUGH EDUCATION: GULEN MOVEMENT SCHOOLS. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 8(4), 29–38. Retrieved from


