
  • Lanny Purnama Kosasi Pancasetia School of Business Banjarmasin South Kalimantan, Indonesia
  • Noneng R. Sukatmadiredja Mahardhika School of Business Surabaya East Java, Indonesia
  • Andri Radiany Pancasetia School of Business Banjarmasin South Kalimantan, Indonesia


Utilitarian Value, Hedonic Value, Consumer Preference, Repurchase Intention, Frequency Shopper


While the value has received significant attention in today's marketing literature, research on the concept is somewhat limited in the context of online shopping, especially in relation to empirical testing of hypotheses. This paper examines the influence of the perception of value for online shopping on consumer preferences and repurchase intention. The findings of the study suggest that utilitarian values and hedonic values have an effect on consumer preferences and repetition intention, and the effect of utilitarian values is stronger than hedonic values on consumer preferences and repurchase intentions. The role of moderation of shopping frequencies reinforces the influence of perceptions of value on consumer preferences.


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How to Cite

Lanny Purnama Kosasi, Noneng R. Sukatmadiredja, & Andri Radiany. (2021). THE ROLE OF SHOPPING FREQUENCY: PERCEPTION OF VALUE TO ONLINE SHOPPING CONSUMPTION. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 8(4), 01–10. Retrieved from


