Learning, Language, Applied, PrinciplesAbstract
This study, aimed to explain the process of learning as well as its difficulties and problems. As an important topic in applied linguistics, it can be used for both descriptive and synchronic methods. Based on the purpose of study, the descriptive method was used. The importance of study is to examine the issue which professionals in behavioral, cognitive, social sciences, and biology have been busy studying it. This issue is ‘learning language’. The study focuses on language learning and the relevant issues. According to the previous studies on applied linguistics, there are various ways of learning languages. The different methods of language teaching are developed based on other sciences such as philosophy and behavioral psychology. This study consists of an introduction and three subsequent sections. Firstly, the overall framework of functional language teaching and the relevant issues will be introduced. Then, learning language will be scrutinized from cognitive and behavioral perspectives. Next, language learning will be discussed based on the principles of applied linguistics. Finally, the major findings will be discussed.
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