Terrorism, Sectarianism, Jihadi Salafism, Political system, IraqAbstract
In order to understand the causes for terrorism, it is needed to explore the terrorism background, i.e. the political, social, economic, religious, and psychological cradle in which terrorism is nurtured. In fact, better understanding of background and roots of terrorism is the first step towards any efficient anti-terrorism action. It will take too much to review all aspects and roots of terrorism; consequently the present study deals with the most prominent causes of the terrorism (in author's opinion) i.e. social and political factors. To this end, the political and social roots of terrorism in Iraq will be investigated during the past 14 years from 2003 (the fall of Saddam Hussein, and Ba'ath regime) up to present (2017). During the above period, Iraq underwent political system alteration (from single-party dictatorship to a democratic federation) and at the same time it was bombarded with radical Jihadi Salafi thoughts. Such regional upheavals as Arab Spring, and Syria Civil War were also influential in instability and resultant terrorism development in Iraq. To cover the social roots of terrorism in Iraq during this span of time, the issue of propagating Jihadi Salafi thoughts and its relation with sectarianism will be raised. Finally, to clarify the political roots, the author will focus on the effect of inappropriate political system on Iraq after the Saddam Hussein's fall.
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