
  • Dr. Pelin Vardarlıer Department of Human Resources Management, School of Business, Istanbul Medipol University Beykoz. Istanbul, Turkey


Leadership, Catastrophes, Crisis Management, Organization, Leadership Model


In catastrophic times, it may not always be possible or full-time to adapt to changes of organizations, and the breakdowns, which happen during adaptation to change, can be a reason for a new crisis in businesses. In a period of crises or catastrophes, when obscurity and pessimism prevails, a leader needs to think of a formula to be afloat, show the opportunity beyond the mountain, and find solutions, in order to increase overall motivation. Because catastrophes or crises are the periods in which people want conditions to be change and differences to be made. In catastrophes, known solutions lose their validity and importance of the leader increases. When the periods are obscure and rate of change increases, there is a need for a leader to manage risk and even take advantage of crises or catastrophes.

In this study, the influence of the way of leadership in the battle against crisis, the role of a leader in a chaotic case and the features of leadership are examined. A blended model is suggested to determine the most effective leadership characteristics in catastrophes.


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How to Cite

Dr. Pelin Vardarlıer. (2021). LEARNING FROM CATASTROPHES AND LEADERSHIP THOUGHT. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 8(3), 160–168. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/rworld/article/view/321


