
  • Ari Kusmiatun Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Imam Suyitno Malang State University, Indonesia
  • Widodo Hs Malang State University, Indonesia
  • Imam Agus Basuki Malang State University, Indonesia


BIPA, Indonesian for academic purposes, need analysis, learning materials


Indonesian for speakers of other languages, known as BIPA, generally aims at ensuring the ability of learners to speaking Indonesian fluently. A significant element at BIPA is the learning materials. This study aims to describe the material elements and their role within BIPA learning for academic purposes based on the needs of learners. This study employed a qualitative descriptive model. The data of this study was obtained through questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The setting of this study involved ten national institutions which offer BIPA courses. This research involved 113 respondents, which consisted of 95 learners, 14 instructors, and 4 experts. The data obtained was then analyzed using a qualitative model. The results of this study reveal two important findings. First, materials used in BIPA play four roles and functions for both learners and instructors of BIPA for academic purposes. Second, the result reveals that the learning materials should cover (1) language used in academic context, (2) the use of standard Indonesian, (3) Indonesian terms for particular disciplines, (4) the use of Indonesian in research area, and (5) academic culture in Indonesian context. The results of this need assessment lay the foundation of developing BIPA material for academic purposes.


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How to Cite

Ari Kusmiatun, Imam Suyitno, Widodo Hs, & Imam Agus Basuki. (2021). NEED ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING MATERIALS OF INDONESIAN FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 8(3), 151–159. Retrieved from


