Government Spending, Economic GrowthAbstract
South Sulawesi has a role of strategic importance for the development of eastern Indonesia region. Government spending continues to increase economic growth, especially in the sectors of education, health and infrastructure, economic growth is increasing, but still fluctuating. The description of the effect of government spending on education, health and infrastructure to economic growth that is different, it is necessary to study, let alone in the South Sulawesi government to make education, health, and infrastructure as a strategic sector which is the basis of development. This study aims to identify and analyze: the effect of government spending on education, health, and infrastructure to economic growth. The approach used is a positivist, which analyzes about relationship of correlation intendependention, coexsitention, and causality, and explains the conditions that occur in the community (explanatory) and make predictions about things that predictive about the relationship between government spending with economic growth. The results showed that government spending on education and infrastructure positive influence, and significant economic growth, this suggests that the increased government spending that is expected to boost economic growth. Meanwhile, government expenditure in the health sector a negative effect, and also significantly to economic growth, this shows that if government spending on health increases could reduce economic growth.
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