
  • Dr. Ritu Sehgal Assistant Professor, Dept of Business Administration DAV Institute of Engg & Technology Jalandhar City (Pb), India.


customer satisfaction, internet banking, service quality, reliability, convenience


The study aims to extract the service quality factors influencing customer satisfaction of Internet banking users. An attempt has also been made to analyze the impact of service quality factors on overall customer satisfaction with context to public sector banks in Northern India. The data has been collected in the months of January-March 2017 from 250 customers of public sector banks in five states of Northern India. Factor analysis and Multiple Regression techniques have been applied to analyze data and extract results. The study has come up with ten service quality factors named accessibility, ease of use, cost, communication, courtesy, reliability, product portfolio, security, assurance and website characteristics. A customer satisfaction model has been developed which depicts that out of the ten service quality factors, three factors named accessibility, reliability and security have positive and significant contribution towards overall customer satisfaction in public sector banks of Northern India. The results of this study have practical implication for bankers as they can plan their strategies accordingly to improve the quality of Internet banking services by considering the important service quality factors and consequently improve overall customer satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Dr. Ritu Sehgal. (2021). RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF SERVICE QUALITY DIMENSIONS AND THEIR IMPACT ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS FROM NORTHERN INDIA. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 8(3), 41–51. Retrieved from


