
  • Siti Supeni Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Slamet Riyadi University Jl. Sumpah Pemuda, Surakarta, Indonesia.
  • Luqman Alhakim Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Slamet Riyadi University Jl. Sumpah Pemuda, Surakarta, Indonesia.
  • Feri Faila Sufa Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Slamet Riyadi University Jl. Sumpah Pemuda, Surakarta, Indonesia.


shadow puppets, English, the villagers


This study investigates substance of English teaching procedure toward artisans of shadow puppets in Kepuhsari village, Wonogiri, Indonesia so that they could guide foreigners, who are visiting the village. The method of the study is a descriptive qualitative in which we collect data in terms of English teaching toward the three groups. Pre-test and post-test were conducted to know English score; therefore we could use it to determine our steps in English teaching. Four treatments for each group were carried out to teach English according to the group’s needs. The results are the artisans in the village could speak in basic English in terms of telling the tourists about the process of making a puppet while they are practicing producing the puppet and making a simple English conversation with them; able to guide the tourists by speaking in basic English about the tourism objects in the village; and able to speak with the tourists telling about history of puppet and gallery of puppet in Kepuhsari.


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How to Cite

Siti Supeni, Luqman Alhakim, & Feri Faila Sufa. (2017). ENGLISH TEACHING SPEAKING MAIN ACTIVITIES TOWARD PUPPET ARTISANS AND THEIR RESPONSE: ENGLISH FOR TOURISM IN KEPUHSARI VILLAGE. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 8(3), 01–09. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/rworld/article/view/305


