
  • Imam Suyitno Faculty of Letters, Department of Letters, State University of Malang, Indonesia.


persons pronouns, Using language, social interaction, speech community


This article describes the persons pronouns of Using language that used by Banyuwangi people, especially Using community, in social interaction among them. The description explains the various forms of persons pronouns and its use in the natural speech context of Using community. The subject of research is Using people who are doing spoken activities in the Using language. The research data in the form of Using language speech in which includes the varieties and its use of first person pronouns, second person pronouns, and third person pronouns. From the data analysis, it was found that the persons pronouns in Using language have various forms. The diversity of the forms caused by the demands of speech grammatical context. The forms of pronoun used for the difference purposes according to the surrounding speech context.The diversity of the use of persons pronouns shape depends on the age of speech participants, the closeness of relationship of speech participants, the social status of speech participants, and the speech situation. The findings of this study have important functions as a reference material for Using language research and Using language teaching as local subject mater.


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How to Cite

Imam Suyitno. (2021). THE PERSONS PRONOUNS OF USING LANGUAGE AND ITS USE IN BANYUWANGI SPEECH COMMUNITY. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 8(2(1), 113–121. Retrieved from


