
  • Tajidan Lecturer in the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara – Indonesia


farming index, land area devoted, rice production, paddy farming, trend ratio method


The intended purposes are: 1) recognizing the decrease rate of land area devoted for paddy cultivation in Mataram Municipal, 2) recognizing the effects of the decrease of land area devoted for paddy cultivation towards the availability of local rice, and 3) formulating a solution to increase local rice production in Mataram Municipal. The research was conducted using descriptive method and secondary data. The data were analyzed by using trend ratio method. The conclusions obtained from research result are 1) the land area devoted for paddy cultivation in Mataram Municipal decreased with rate of 23.06 ha/year which can cause the reduction of agriculture product production, 2) the decrease of land area devoted for paddy cultivation from 2009 – 2014 does not have an impact yet on the decrease of rice production and the availability or local rice, the availability of local rice increased as the effect of the increase of cropping index and the increase of rice paddy farming; and 3) the production of local rice in Mataram Municipal still has a chance to be increased through the increase of farming index and the increase of rice paddy farming.


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How to Cite

Tajidan. (2021). ALLOCATION OF LAND FOR PADDY FARM IN MATARAM MUNICIPAL - INDONESIA. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 8(2(1), 71–78. Retrieved from


