Nationalism, Islamic ShariaAbstract
Acehnes people, in their histories so far, are considered as strong Islam adherents. Islam not only has been sought to be upheld in the middle of society which means to implement its teaching, but also it has become the main foundation in the formation of nationalism traditions of the royal palace in the past is loaded with Islamic values, from using titles, government concept, ceremonial tradition at palace (which did not distinguish between the Islamic and the royal tradition) and various religious policies of the kingdom, especially in the 17th century. Islam was not only a source of inspiration for the development and the progress in Aceh in various fields, but also acted as the main motor in a strong resistance against the Portuguese in Malacca in the first half of the 16th century, and Dutch in during the last 19th century and early 20th century. War in the name of religion had always upheld by the community consistently.
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