Integrated Agriculture Information System Architecture, Business Architecture, TOGAF FrameworkAbstract
Integrated Agriculture Information System (IAIS) is a system that specially manage data, information, and knowledge in Agriculture. Currently, IAIS development is done by arranging blueprint system. Blueprint is developed using Enterprise Architecture approach through TOGAF model framework. This article specifically discusses the Business Architecture Component, which is one of the architectures in TOGAF Framework. The development of IAIS Business Architecture started from the definition of targeted architecture, components, making the architecture. Through architecture development process, it is defined that IAIS has three main goals: (1) Empowering farmers by using ICT tools; (2) architecture and application development for IAIS; (3) IAIS is a connector to all stakeholders in agriculture. To reach those targets, the researchers built organization structure and an actor that is involved in using IAIS. There are four main functions: (1) System, Information Technology Infrastructure, and Organization Standardization; (2) Developing, managing, and maintaining application and infrastructure; (3) IAIS Implementation; (4) Management and Organization. Meanwhile, the services in IAIS are: (1) User Registration; (2) Requesting Application Services; (3) Requesting Information and Communication Technology Training Services; (4) Tendering Services; (5) Requesting Services; (6) Requesting Information; (7) Information Sharing; (8) Consulting (9) Recording and Observing User Specific Data; (10) Giving Agriculture Information and Knowledge.
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