Globalization, current occupational environment, labor flexibility, sectorsAbstract
The great changes that the current work environment have been exposed to, have forced the state, companies and workers to redefine what was known by industrial relations, giving rise to the emergence of labor flexibility.
Forming part of this new conception of “how to do things”, how to achieve permanence in a job, how to adapt to the new challenges that the labor market imposes, has implications that deeply modify the behaviour and way of thinking of the worker. The employment "for life" is a mark of the past, the contract between employer and employee is undergoing a profound revolution. The race for a promotion in the ranks of a company is being replaced by the design and execution of the individual career, the commitment is no longer with the company, but with society. Technological transformations, adaptations of processes and organizational restructuring occur at such a speed that learning has become a permanent, continuous and flexible need, adaptable to the vocation and the development of one's career. However, the real challenge facing the workforce is the lack of knowledge of these transformations and how to deal with them. This article aims to show the degree of knowledge the labor flexibility of the members of different economic sectors that interact in the occupational environment of Xalapa City, Veracruz, Mexico.
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