Quality management system, implementing quality system, process standardization, higher education, ISO 9001:2000Abstract
The Quality Management System “QMS” has become a common choice of strategic management tools in the higher education setting. Consequently, implementation of QMS is critical in confirming the effective and efficient implementation of work process and procedures to achieve the college goal to provide the educational services to various stakeholders.
The main purpose is to study the implementation of ISO and the benefits that the department has gained from implementing the system. Consequently to help colleges/universities in implementing QMS. Finally, to examine implementation of QMS as a real time solution to maintain accurate documentation and records.
This paper presents description of the process of implementing quality management system according to ISO 9001: 2008 standard, which has the noteworthy impact on improving the quality of delivery of education. This research presents the reasons that necessitate a system for standardization of the processes within any educational department and the steps taken in the implementation of a quality server for distribution, monitoring and collecting documents and guidelines. In this study, descriptive approach was used through field survey that was associated with a guided and quick collection, analysis and interpretation of observation.
The results of this research provided valued insight into the potential application of ISO 9001:2000 to our college and other educational organizations as a methodology for continuous improvement of student satisfaction of the delivered services. Results showed increase in students’ satisfaction with business department management and delivery of education by faculty. Faculties in the business department adopted the QMS and utilize the system in areas of communicating effectively with higher management, standardizing the course delivery, and documentation of needed resources of each course regularly.
The implementation of quality management systems requires continuous effort, sustained leadership, and the long term commitment of resources and regular auditing of performance. It also provides significant implications for practitioners and academics to facilitate the implementation of ISO 9000.
This study adds to the body of knowledge concerning implementation of ISO 9000 in an educational institution. It also contributes to the development of the literature by providing a set of motivation factors and of critical success factors that can assist practitioners to effectively implement the standard.
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