Entrepreneurial Intent, attitude, role model, university environmentAbstract
The existence of enterprising activities in the economy will further increased the country’s gross domestic income, job opportunity and living standard of the citizen. It is importance to encourage the young adult to take up the challenges to be an entrepreneur. The students with high entrepreneurial intention will tend to start up a business of their own in future. This research is conducted to explore the factors that influence the entrepreneurial intention among students in higher education. This paper is attempt to assess the significance of students’ attitudes, family role models, academic major, perceived university environment and perceived educational support in influencing the university students’ entrepreneurial intention. A total of 787 samples were collected from the first degree students at Universiti Malaysia Sabah. The samples had to answer questionnaires consisting of demographic and Likert-scale questions. Multiple regression analyses were conducted to analyse the data collected. The results confirmed that attitude is the most significant variable that correlated with the entrepreneurial intention of young adults. The findings had provided some insight into understanding the entrepreneurial intention of young adults.
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