Mathematics Learning, mathematics, PGSD Assessment, portofolioAbstract
Required accuracy PGSD students/prospective teachers in presenting these concepts, so that pupils are taught later were able to understand it correctly through the daily life of the students, so the impression and the accepted view of student PGSD to a mathematical concepts in College was the beginning level may continue to be carried away on the next time. Mathematics is considered the most difficult courses. This happens because the math is considered to have a high degree of difficulty and the difficulty of adjustment of the students with learning that there is a new world that is the University. Therefore, the need for an assessment that could develop whilst aspects (cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and emotional) that is authentic assessment with portfolio. A special target in this research are: (1) can produce the instruments to implement Portopolio to the study of mathematics which is equipped with the syllabus and lecture contract; (2) Student Handbook;(3) Student Worksheet; (4) the Handbook of mathematical learning in primary school teachers of SD; (5) the National Journal; (6) the international journal; (7) primary teachers Workshop Banda Aceh; (8) the book to implement Authentic students. This research was conducted with a sample of university students i.e. PGSD Veranda of Mecca. The development of this research was conducted following the 5 (five) stages of development with a modified Plomp Guide material development stages (products) by Nieveen with attention to quality aspects, namely 3 aspect validity, practicality, and the aspect of effectiveness (method).
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