Corruption, Economics and Social Rights, Penal System, Judicial DesicionAbstract
The Indonesian Anti Corruption Act perceives corruption not only related to state financial loss, but also as a violation of economic and social rights. However, penal system and corruption judicial desicions ignore this philoshopical framework. Forms of criminal sanction and their impositions merely consider the rights of an accused and eliminate the economic and social rights of the society as a whole. These also reflect in the corruption judicial desicions where corruption cases become the scope of criminal law. The paper analyses deeply the factors why the dimension of human rights violations resulted from corruption is elimanated in the Indonesian penal system and corruption judicial desicion. Furthermore, it examines the implication of inserting a human rights approach into Indonesian penal system and corruption judicial decision. The methodology employed in the research is libary research and deep interview, while the approach used in the research is conceptual. The paper is both empirical and normative research. This research reveals that human rights approach changes the paradigm of Indonesian penal system and corruption judicial desicion.
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