
  • Otuya Robert Ingabo Department of Business Management University of Eldoret, Eldoret, Kenya


University Support, Societal Values, Propensity to Act, Entrepreneurial Intentions, University Students, Kenya


Entrepreneurship has been recognized by many nations across the globe as a driver to economic development. Universities have their role in advancing entrepreneurship through imparting skills and knowledge to the students. This study examined the effect of university support, societal values and propensity to act on entrepreneurial intentions among university students in Kenya. A descriptive survey design was employed in the study. A census sample of 126 entrepreneurship students of Moi university and 45 students of United States International University responded to the self-administered questionnaires. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of regression analysis showed that university support, societal values and propensity to act have significant and positive relationship towards entrepreneurial intentions among university students. It is recommended that support from various parties such as Non-Governmental Organizations and governmental intervention on youth entrepreneurship programmes be mounted  to help the students to convert intentions into successful entrepreneurial ventures in the future. Improvement should also be done in entrepreneurship education, as well as public policies, related to youth unemployment and development of entrepreneurial culture among the youth in Kenya and particularly among university students.


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How to Cite

Otuya Robert Ingabo. (2021). EFFECT OF UNIVERSITY SUPPORT, SOCIETAL VALUES AND PROPENSITY TO ACT ON ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTIONS AMONG STUDENTS FROM TWO KENYAN UNIVERSITIES. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 8(1), 108–116. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/rworld/article/view/234


