Fin-Tech Meets Blockchain: Shaping the Future of Finance and Economic Innovation


  • Linda Paul Lecturer Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Management, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences Cape Peninsula University of Technology, District Six Campus, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa 8000
  • Prof Dr Ravinder Rena Adjunct Professor Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Management, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences Cape Peninsula University of Technology, District Six Campus, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa 8000


Blockchain, FinTech, Financial Inclusion, Economic Innovation, Digital Economy


Purpose: this paper explores the nexus of FinTech and blockchain technology, based on the analysis of data found in peer-reviewed articles, business and industry articles, and online sources. It looks at how different applications of FinTech innovate through technology and use it to provide more efficient and competitive financial services while it how blockchain creates a more secure seamless and effective means for business. Methodology: using both bibliometric and content analysis techniques, the study looks at the state-of-art, issues and the future of these technologies in the adoption process. Major relevant actors include financial institutions, innovative firms in the finance sector (FinTech startups), policymakers and legislators, financial entrepreneurs, and consumers who all are active participants in this emerging ecosystem.  Findings: the research adds value to the existing accumulation of knowledge as it provides a conceptual analysis of the relationship between FinTech and blockchain. Their ability to boost financial literacy, productivity, and the world economy is evident from this study. In addition, it brings into focus, the need to strike an appropriate regulatory balance for fostering innovation while dealing with ethical and societal vices. The implications: and insights can be utilized by financial institutions, including banks to increase organizational efficiencies and acquire new customer segments, meanwhile, for policymakers, it can help create viable strategies to cautiously promote the financial stability and innovation respectively. Originality: in the pursuit of answering the research questions, this paper has aimed to offer practical information on the interactions of FinTech and blockchain. It does showcase how these technologies can help bring change for economic upliftment, inclusion for people of all kinds, and an equitable world in the digital finance framework for the future


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How to Cite

Linda Paul, & Prof Dr Ravinder Rena. (2024). Fin-Tech Meets Blockchain: Shaping the Future of Finance and Economic Innovation. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 15(2), 142–150. Retrieved from


