instructional management, curriculum 2013Abstract
This study aims to determine: (1) the processes of instructional management based on Curriculum 2013; (2) the constraints faced; and (3) the efforts of its solution in Juniors High School in Malang City, Indonesia. This study used a qualitative approach. The research instrument is the researcher himself. Data collected by means interview, observation, and documentation. Informants in this research are teachers, principals, and supervisors. The findings of the research indicate: (1) the process of instructional management applied is from planning learning activities, the implementation of learning activities, and evaluation of learning activities; (2) the constraints faced by the teachers lesson plans are still not referring to the Curriculum 2013; application of learning the scientific approach by teachers less than optimal; teachers are less than optimal in applying the learning model; and teachers are not optimal assess student learning outcomes that cover three domains of learning that is the attitude, knowledge, and skills; and (3) an alternative solution of the problems faced is the need to organize assistance activities to teachers on the implementation of Curriculum 2013, which discusses the learning plan, scientific approach, models of learning, and assessment of student learning outcomes.
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