Exploring the Changes in Domestic Tourist Behavior During a Pandemic: A Case of KwaZulu-Natal
Domestic, tourist behavior, , COVID-19, travel behavior, domestic travel, domestic tourism, pandemic, risk managementAbstract
Purpose: The pandemic stirred significant economic losses in the tourism sector, due to limited tourism consumption. However, the shift to domestic travel offered some respite, which strengthened local economies and encouraged tourists to support and enjoy their local tourism destinations. Purpose: This study intends to explore the nexus between domestic tourist behaviour and unforeseen events such as a pandemic. Methodology: Using Non-probability snowball sampling, this study advocated a quantitative method for data collection, and primary data was obtained through online questionnaires. Findings: The quantitative data presented changes in domestic tourists' behaviour. Domestic tourists demonstrated risk-averse behaviour as they preferred less crowded natural destinations. Furthermore, they opted for travelling intra-provincially using private transportation, due to health reasons.
Implications: The findings of this study have implications for a nuanced understanding of the interim effect of infectious diseases on domestic travel behaviour and responses by the travel industry over time. Originality: This study is original in its focus on the immediate behavioural changes in domestic tourists due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a topic that has not been extensively explored in existing literature. It uniquely combines insights from tourism and health economics to understand how a global health crisis can reshape travel preferences and economic outcomes. By examining the specific preferences for less crowded, natural destinations and the increased use of private transportation, this research provides novel insights into the evolving risk perceptions and travel behaviours of tourists in the face of a pandemic. This study also highlights the resilience of the tourism industry and the potential for domestic tourism to mitigate some of the economic impacts of global crises.
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