Perceptions of Parents and Teachers on the use of 4IR Technologies in Rural Schools of Rustenburg Local Municipality


  • James Sipho Sishuba Department of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, North West University, South Africa
  • Dr. Kiran Odhav Department of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, North West University, South Africa


Fourth industrial revolution, education, rurality, social change, digital transformation


Purpose: The primary aim of this study is to explore the perceptions of parents and teachers on the use of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technologies in rural schools. Methodology: The study employed semi-structured face-to-face interviews to collect information from the participants. A total of 12 participants were purposively recruited for this study. The findings of the study are as follows: technologies such as WhatsApp, Facebook, tablets and cell phones were frequently used. The choice of the types of technologies used were heavily influenced by skills and knowledge obtained prior to the roll out of digital transformation, while economic and services delivery related factors also contributed.  Furthermore, the study discovered that the use of these technologies is a challenge for both parents and teachers. Parents are confronted with the inability to be involved in their children’ schoolwork owing to factors such as low literacy, poverty and unemployment. Teachers also have challenges in facilitating classes using these technologies due to the misuse of devices by learners, their inability to use these technologies, or poor connectivity and electrical power issues relating to load shedding. Implications: The findings suggest that the use of technology in schools could help improve education provided that necessitated conditions such as ICT training and equitable distribution of such resources are met. Originality: At the height of COVID 19 and the increased use of ICTs, the paper sought to examine the views of parents and teachers in South Africa.


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How to Cite

James Sipho Sishuba, & Dr. Kiran Odhav. (2023). Perceptions of Parents and Teachers on the use of 4IR Technologies in Rural Schools of Rustenburg Local Municipality. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 14(1), 58–69. Retrieved from


