Islamic economic, sharia principle, rural economicAbstract
The Islamic economic system has been well-developed in Indonesia, especially the rural society of Java. Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT) is an institution of Islamic economic that is able to grow and develop. Sharia principles are implemented in BMT’s includesmurahabah, mudharabah, musyarakah, and qardul hasan. The implementation of sharia principles in developing Sragen’s rural area economic become the main point of this research. According to the research, the implementation of sharia economic can improve the rural economic. Implementation of Islamic principles through BMT product in the form of savings and financing.Savings products has been encourage a spirit of saving. Financing products strengthen capital requirements. Somehow, the sharia principles are not fully implemented. There are several factors that determine this problem: the level of risk, the understanding of sharia principles, the human resources, and the management of organization.
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