Analysis of the Online Course Delivery Method: Students’ Perspective
online course delivery, online learning, challenges and benefits, COVID19Abstract
Purpose: The COVID19 pandemic has affected the social and economic scene around the world which inevitably include the education sector. The increasing need for online classes and the observed differences on student perceptions were the researchers’ main motivation to conduct the study. This research intends to analyze the online course delivery method for the accounting program based on Omani students’ perspective wherein online learning is just newly becoming popular. Methodology: This study analyzed the aspects of online course delivery method as applied to the accounting program of the University of Technology and Applied Sciences-Nizwa through a quantitative descriptive research. Specifically, the study evaluated the students’ perception and satisfaction with online learning and their differences across study levels and genders. Challenges and benefits from online learning were also assessed. Statistical treatments employed to test the significant differences were the T-test, ANOVA, and Post Hoc Tukey Test. Findings: Findings of the study concluded a favorable perception and satisfaction with online course delivery among Omani students and that there is a significant difference on their perceptions across study levels and gender particularly in communication and interaction with teachers and classmates as well as understanding of the materials, but no significant difference with regards to students’ overall satisfaction with the online course delivery method. Post Hoc Tukey test confirmed significant difference on the responses of diploma and bachelor students but no significant differences between diploma and advanced diploma students. Implications: When opposed to traditional learning, online learning takes place in a completely different environment. It's crucial to think about how students feel about this relatively new type of course delivery, because their feelings about it can influence their satisfaction with it, which can affect their class performance. Originality: While there have been various research on online learning, only a few have been conducted in Oman during the COVID19 pandemic, with a focus on Omani accounting students' perceptions.
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