
  • Dr. Sandip Ghosh Hazra Head of the Department, Humanities & Management, Birla Institute of Technology- Extension Centre – Deoghar, Ratanpur, India


Customer satisfaction, Customer commitment, Customer trust, Banking sector


Over the decades, customer satisfaction has been used as one of the key construct to predict consumer behaviour and has gained attention. Commitment is recognized as an essential element for successful long-term relationships. Retention of a customer requires the customer to be committed to the relationship. In fact, commitment involves a “moral duty” to cooperate. Previous studies indicate the need for trust is particularly important in service industries and more specifically in the banking sector. The major objectives of the study are to examine the effect of demographic characteristics of customers between public and private sector banks, and the effect of demographic characteristics (education and occupation) of customers on customer satisfaction, customer commitment and customer trust. The data are collected from public sector banks and private sector banks in West Bengal. The survey method has used in this study. Purposive sampling method has used to collect data. Customer satisfaction, customer commitment, and customer trust emerged as a single factor. The results showed significant differences between public and private sector banks with regard to customer satisfaction and customer commitment. Keeping in mind the exploratory nature of the study and the methodology used for the analysis of the data, certain limitations are identified. Based on the limitations, certain suggestions are offered for further research.


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How to Cite

Dr. Sandip Ghosh Hazra. (2021). AN INVESTIGATING INTO CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, CUSTOMER COMMITMENT AND CUSTOMER TRUST: A STUDY IN INDIAN BANKING SECTOR . Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 4(1), 96–102. Retrieved from


