Agricultural Marketing issues, Agricultural production issues, Coimbatore District FarmersAbstract
India is basically an agrarian society where sole dependence has been on agriculture since time immemorial. In the olden days, the agricultural produce was fundamentally barter by nature where farmers exchanged goods for goods and also against services. Gradually the scenario changed with the changing times and agriculture produce began being sold with an element of commercial value. Trading of agriculture produce began for exchange of money. And from trading to marketing of agricultural produce began although mostly it is a way of traditional selling. The marketing as a term is broader than traditional trading. And agricultural marketing as a concept is still evolving in the Indian agrarian society.
Mahatma Gandhi the father of the nation, who always stressed upon “self sufficient villages” as the building blocks for making India a strong nation. Hence, the present study is a modest attempt to throw the more light on the farmers’ problems in marketing of their produce in the study area. The study also gives various recommendations to solve the above said problems.
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