Taxis and Logico-Semantic Relation in Undergraduate Students’ English Theses Writing Text : A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach
logico-semantic relation, taxis, texts, systemic functional linguisticsAbstract
This paper aims to describe the use of taxis and logico-semantic relation in undergraduate students’ English theses writing text. This analysis was based on systemic functional linguistic theory focusing on textual metafunction of meaning which is on the level of lexicogrammar. Data informing this study were taken from 10 English theses writing texts written by undergraduate students of Artha Wacana Christian University. Based on the descriptive qualitative analysis it was found out that in taxis relation, hypotaxis was used higher (172) than parataxis (89). This fact indicates that students tend to explain their interpretation using unequal status in order to explain idea clearly. The parataxis consisted of either coordinate or paired conjunction, whereas hypotaxis consisted of subordinate conjunctions. The use of logico-semantic covered expansion (elaboration, extension, and enhancement) was more than projection (locution and idea). The idea used was verbal process. The use of locution of projection was realized by the use of mental process, such as, thought, hypothesize. The use of taxis and logico-semantic in theses writing realized textual meaning of text that is important for a text cohesion. It is suggested that grammar and academic writing lecturers should give more exercises or train students using varieties of taxis and logico-semantic relation to empower students’ writing knowledge