
  • Paul D. Geyer College of Business Keiser University-Tallahassee Campus, Florida, USA


political skill, general self-efficacy, college student


The author examined the strength of relationships between measures of college students' (n = 168) general self-efficacy and four political skills (networking ability, interpersonal influence, social astuteness, and apparent sincerity). Significant Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were observed, as predicted, for the relations between general self-efficacy scale scores and each of the four scaled measures of political skill.  The observed correlations, though not of causative value, per say, now may be of use in justifying future scholarly efforts focused on causal models involving these concepts and, furthermore, may support the implementation of practical strategies for building students' self-efficacy and promoting the development of students' political skill.


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How to Cite

Paul D. Geyer. (2021). POLITICAL SKILL AND SELF – EFFICACY AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 5(3), 11–15. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/rworld/article/view/801


