
  • Jhony Choon Yeong NG Southern Cross University, Australia.


Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Firm, Roles, Society


Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial firms are attributed with a myriad of positive effects and roles by researchers over the years. However, how many of them are true? In this paper, three main roles that were attributed to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial firms were discussed. In conclusion, it was found that out of the three discussed roles, two turns out to be unsubstantiable in face of a more stringent scrutiny. Hence, through this paper, I propose that there is a need to relook into the roles and effects that entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship can bring to the society in future research.


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How to Cite

Jhony Choon Yeong NG. (2021). THE ROLES OF ENTREPRENEURS IN THE SOCIETY. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 3(4(1), 1–7. Retrieved from


