Strategies and Practice to Improve Effectiveness of ICT in Teaching – An Analytical Studies


  • Dr. Ansari Safiya S. A. Asst. Prof. J.A.T. Arts, Science and Commerce College (for Women), Malegaon, India


Strategies and Practices to improve effectiveness of ICT in teaching


The world moves toward the advanced technology that recognizes as a supreme part of today’s life. Technology, integration of information, and communication skill help the teachers to teach the students that are available at the different part of the world and assist to change the traditional method by the technological method that makes the teaching method easy. ICT plays a quintessential role in the development of the country (Bindu, (2017). As per the education ministers, the new blueprint of the teaching process indicates the importance of technology used in the teaching process that will positively impact the learning system of the students. The target of this report has been to represent the strategy and practice to improve the effectiveness of ICT in teaching. ICT is important for both the teacher and student because it helps both in teaching and learning. This will use various tools to improve the effectiveness of the strategy and practice of ITC. The technology efficiently provides all the information related to the every topic for learning so it will minimize the difficulty for the student as well as teachers.


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How to Cite

Dr. Ansari Safiya S. A. (2021). Strategies and Practice to Improve Effectiveness of ICT in Teaching – An Analytical Studies. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(4(2), 132–136. Retrieved from


